Pakistan one-day and Twenty-20 Captain, Shahid Afridi has said that Pak team management acted in a very professional manner to handle the crisis arisen from spot fixing allegations.“ Team manager,Yawar Saeed and assistant manager,Shafqat Rana handled the situation in a wise manner and supported the team during the entire tour of England,specially at the stage when three of its players were accused of spot fixing “,he said on Saturday.
Afridi spoke high about the team management and said in a hostile situation they did their best to calm down the situation and remained a source of inspiration for the team members.
“ It was not a easy tour ,it was tour which I will always remember in my career as things happened too fast against Pakistan team at a neutral venue as such never happened before in the past “,he said.
The Pak captain said whenever a team gets into a trouble situation it needs a big support from its team management and Yawar and Shafqat duly fit in the role and were always there to do their best as far their job was concerned.
He suggested that Pakistan Cricket Board should not rely or trust on India or other Asian countries as far mustering of support was concerned for solving its cricket related problems.
“ India never supported Pak cricket and expecting the same from it will not be a fair thought and efforts should be made to solve our problems by ourselves “,he said.
“ Even the other countries in our region did not lend a hand to lift us out of trouble and whenever there was a situation in which we badly needed the support of our regional countries we were left alone “,he said.
He said Pak team has the best players of one day and T-20 and they achieved excellence in the game by leading the country to success in shorter and shortest versions of the game in recent years.
Afridi said he has no plans to reverse his decision of retirement from test cricket.” I have no interest to play test cricket and I want to concentrate on ODIs and T-20 “,he said.
The Pak captain said Zulqarnain Haider and Safraz Ahmed are full of talent as wicketkeepers and they have the potential to play the international cricket in place of Kamran Akmal who badly needs break to regain confidence.
“ Every player faces a situation of being in a bad patch in his career and this is high time for Kamran to take a break and to rejoin the team after getting back lost confidence and form “,he said.
“ It was not a easy tour ,it was tour which I will always remember in my career as things happened too fast against Pakistan team at a neutral venue as such never happened before in the past “,he said.
The Pak captain said whenever a team gets into a trouble situation it needs a big support from its team management and Yawar and Shafqat duly fit in the role and were always there to do their best as far their job was concerned.
He suggested that Pakistan Cricket Board should not rely or trust on India or other Asian countries as far mustering of support was concerned for solving its cricket related problems.
“ India never supported Pak cricket and expecting the same from it will not be a fair thought and efforts should be made to solve our problems by ourselves “,he said.
“ Even the other countries in our region did not lend a hand to lift us out of trouble and whenever there was a situation in which we badly needed the support of our regional countries we were left alone “,he said.
He said Pak team has the best players of one day and T-20 and they achieved excellence in the game by leading the country to success in shorter and shortest versions of the game in recent years.
Afridi said he has no plans to reverse his decision of retirement from test cricket.” I have no interest to play test cricket and I want to concentrate on ODIs and T-20 “,he said.
The Pak captain said Zulqarnain Haider and Safraz Ahmed are full of talent as wicketkeepers and they have the potential to play the international cricket in place of Kamran Akmal who badly needs break to regain confidence.
“ Every player faces a situation of being in a bad patch in his career and this is high time for Kamran to take a break and to rejoin the team after getting back lost confidence and form “,he said.